The main feature of this book is a full description of the process followed in development: previous solutions are presented along with improvements to the object-oriented design and the reasons that have lead to refactoring. For instance, persistence ignorance is not assumed as the basis of a decoupled model but it is the final point of a research path.
This is a panoramic of the topics which the author deals with in the 600+ pages book.
Part 1: Background
The first part of the book is a introduction on low-level techniques like TDD, refactoring, and application of patterns (for example, State pattern). Problem and tradeoffs are discusses regarding databases and their impedance mismatch with an object-oriented model, together with the importance of layering and modelling. Part 1 is important because understanding of the rest of the book strongly depends on these concepts: a responsible programmer should test first and refactor where he expects changes.
Part 2: Applying DDD
In part 2 a full application requirements are discussed along with part of their implementation. Since the title is applying DDD the focus is on building the right model for the example, leaving out infrastructure and security concerns for a moment.
The requirements list comprehends orders and customers management, concurrency conflict detection, validation rules on amount of moneys in orders and customers, atomic saving and validation with an external service. This list is well crafted as it contains the main problems encountered when using a rich Domain Model, so the order management application is a good example to see DDD applied at its best.
Part 3: Applying PoEaa
While part 2 is centered on a persistent-ignorant model, part 3 discuss the infrastructure needed for the example application to work (object/relational mapping in primis) and tradeoffs from the incorporation of database concerns in the pure domain model. PoEaa is Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture,
PoEaa is full of code examples so it is not important for the author to attach naked code but the discussion on how to persist a rich model is still crucial.
Part 4: What's next?
This part introduces other techniques and topics which are not strictly related to modelling and infrastructure: Service-oriented architecture, Inversion of Control and Dependency Injection, Aspect-oriented programming, Model-View-Controller pattern, user interface development. These are all interesting topics which a smattering of can only help the average developer to enlighten himself and face different ideas and paradigms: TDD for instance needs Dependency Injection to work.
Part 5: Appendices
Last but not least, other styles are proposed in contrast to DDD, such as database-driven development and rich service layers. The same application requirements from part 3 are rediscussed using these new point of views, and the reader gets a comparison between various implementation of the Domain Model pattern.
The appendices contain also a list of the patterns referenced in the book, but the should consider other sources for more information.
Summing up, Applying DDD is a good panoramic on practicing Domain-Driven Design, but also on implementing patterns and using modern tools and approaches like Dependency Injection and Test-Driven Development. It can also be read along or after the original DDD book to improve the understanding of Factories, Repositories and other domain patterns.
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